Wedding Planners - Inn at New Hyde Park


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Bring the night you’ve been dreaming of since you were young to life with our complimentary wedding planner by your side. From the second you book your event with us; our planner will be there to help you every step of the way. As they take time to get to know you and your fiancé, they will be able to pair you with the perfect vendors that they’ve built relationships to help bring your event to the next level. They’ll also be sure that nothing is forgotten about in the planning process, so you don’t have to stress about it. We can’t wait to start planning!

meet our planners

Meet our

Lorem ipsum dolor amet sustainable master cleanse
scenester, trust fund twee jianbing etsy. Shoreditch cred
narwhal, scenester ethical direct trade raw denim put a
bird on it chartreuse viral meggings small batch swag. Lyft synth cold-pressed vinyl venmo poutine.

Lets Start Planning

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