Long Island Wedding Venues
Like any city, Long Island has countless numbers of wedding venues for couples to choose from when they are planning their wedding.. When it comes time to narrow down the search for the perfect location and finally choose where you want to have your wedding, many residents have found that The Inn at New Hyde Park is best choice of all of the Long Island wedding venues.
The Inn has been helping people make their wedding special since the year 1938. When choosing a venue, you want to look at certain things, most importantly the space available and the staff. For years, the professional, well-trained staff, which includes chefs and event planners, at The Inn has been helping brides and grooms plan every last detail of their wedding. Not every venue you look into will be able to help you with those small, yet difficult details, such a picking out the menu, but The Inn takes pride in providing guests with a fun experience that they won’t forget.
The Best Rooms At A Long Island Wedding Venue
Along with the professional staff, couples will find themselves impressed by the many rooms available in this large building. With multiple rooms available, guests have found it to be a promising location for their event, as it offers enough space for groups between 10 to 500 people. This is great because not every couple is having a large wedding and not every couple is having a small wedding. A lot of venues only have one room to host weddings, so some people may be left with too much space or not quite enough. The mixture of room sizes means you will be able to find the perfect space for your wedding.
These unique, beautifully designed rooms are complete with ornamental crown mouldings, handcrafted custom ceilings, French doors, oversized and crystal chandeliers. If the couple is interested, there are also bridal suites available. With each room being designed the way it is, there is almost no need for decorations. This just adds to list of needs being met by The Inn.
The right venue will make or break your event. You want more than just a beautiful location, you want a well-trained staff and delicious food at your wedding, as it will add to the overall experience of it. The Inn at New Hyde Park gives couples all they need and more to make their wedding day the best it could be. It should be no surprise why it is considered the best of the Long Island wedding venues.